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The Book of Boba Fett

Season 1
Bounty hunter Boba Fett & mercenary Fennec Shand navigate the underworld when they return to Tatooine to claim Jabba the Hutt's old turf.
7.5/10 IMDb
Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi 3 episodes in and I can't make any sense of this show! I kinda liked the flashbacks at first but it's now an annoying distraction. Ep. 1 could have been much better. Ep. 2 was a masterpiece and Ep. 3 just sucks. No one. Repeat. NO ONE wants to see Boba Fett with his helmet off, sitting on a throne, lying in a bacta tank or asking other people to do stuff he can do better. This show has made one of the most iconic SW characters weak and boring. I hope the season ends on a high note.